Extra! Extra!

Fairy-Tale News from Hidden Forest

EXTRA! EXTRA! Is hot off the press is Leslie's latest collaboration with Alma Flor Ada. The story book characters you've come to know through the Dear Peter Rabbit books are back making headlines as they produce their Newspaper "The Hidden Forest News".

Leslie & Alma Flor have written and illulstrated four books which have brought familiar and beloved fairy-tale characters together in imaginative adventures. The books in the series are: Dear Peter Rabbit, Yours Truly, Goldilocks, With Love, Little Red Hen, and now Extra! Extra!

Here is a coloring project for you to work on. Two of the three pigs are working as printers for the daily publication of the Hidden Forest News. You can join them and add some color to their working environment.

Click the link below to download the attached PDF. Save the file as one of your coloring projects for your school and friends.

Printing Press: PDF