The Fossil Hunt in Carmel Valley

This page shows the photos of the kids from Shelly's first grade class as they look for fossils in Carmel Valley not too far from their school, Tularcitos Elementary.

The fossil searchers
Here is the class of fossil hunters as they start on the search for fossils in the piles of chalk rock talice that line the cuts along the roadways of Carmel Valley. For more details about this activity please refer to Shelly's article, "A Fossil Hunt."
Anjeli and her Mom

This photo shows Anjeli, assisted by her mother, as they crack rocks looking for fossils. Note the wear of protective goggles.

Ariana showing a rock

Here Ariana shows us a rock that she has cracked open with the indentation of a fossil.

Erica smiling

Erica smiling triumphantly with the rock she found with the fossil inside.

Skyler and fossil bearing rock

Skyler showing us a rock that he has cracked. He is pleased that there is a fossil inside.

Skyler and fossil bearing rock
Joanna is very pleased with the fossil she found.