
Leslie just returned from a safari.

"Jambo" is the Kenyan word for "hello." It is one of the first words that Leslie heard upon her arrival in Niarobi, the capital of Kenya.

I have returned from my trip to the country of Kenya in Africa. Thanks to Kemie Nix--Children's Literature for Children--I had the opportunity to meet hundreds of school children and those hundreds of school children got to meet Albert! Here are a few words in Swahili the language of Kenya: The word, safari, means journey/trip.

Here I am with the children of

Muruguru Primary School.

I also went on a safari and saw many wild animals.

This giraffe was watching me very closely.

The next two pictures show different types of Zebras.

Can you tell the difference?

These three are the "Common Zebra."

These two are "Grey's Zebras."


The Common Zebra has wider stripes, smaller ears, a black nose and is the smaller of the two.

The Grey's Zebra has narrower stripes, larger ears, a white nose and is the largest species of Zebra; it also has a white belly.

This lioness looks very content; lucky for me, she wasn't hungry!
This is a white Rhino. His name is Max. He is contentedly grazing on the grass of the Nyeri plateau!

We call the language of Kenya, Swahili, but it is actually, Kiswahili.


(goodbye or come back)