Peace in My World

By Amanda Gates

Peace. Peace is a great thing to love. This is the thing I would like to do in the world: to all get along. If I want to be peaceful I call my cat and she makes me feel peaceful. I am happy that I love peace.

Peace is in my heart. Peace is for everyone. And for animals. It would be peaceful if there were no more pollution. Mom makes it peaceful when I am really sad. Dad makes me feel peaceful. Friends say good things to me so I feel peaceful. This is when I feel peaceful.

Peace is when I am horseback riding. When I see a horse run, I feel peaceful. Horses make it peaceful because they care. Sometimes it is peaceful when I read a book about horseback riding. All of these things make me peaceful.

Peace is the feeling I get when I do something right. It is peaceful at reading groups. Something I love is music, and when I sing the song right at my house I feel peaceful. My wish is that the whole world was peaceful.

Peace is when I’m happy. Coloring is peaceful because I get to do anything. But peace is a great thing to say when you are trying to relax.

This is what I think about peace.
