The job of the Go-Away bird is to warn animals when there is a lion near-by. This Go-Away bird was much too busy eating the berries and blossoms on this tree, just outside my tent, to be bothered with anything else. I wonder if that is why the male lion and two females felt free to come to the water hole and roar in the middle of the night! (goodbye or come back) HOME PAGE | BOOKS PAGE | GALLERY | KIDS PAGE | TEACHERS/LIBRARIANS
"Jambo" page 2
Leslie's safari animals.
These chimps have been rescued and brought to this place by Jane Goodall. A Kenyan would say that this chimp is "Bahati" which means "lucky" in Swahili, because he had been rescued by such a famous friend of African chimps.
painting on my face. This village is very near
the grounds of the Outspan where I stayed while I
was in Kenya.
We call the language of Kenya, Swahili, but it is actually, Kiswahili.