Painless Thank You Notes

By Shelly Lyon

When you receive a gift, it is important to say "Thank you" with a written note. Here is a way to make it more fun.
Write the name of the gift giver going down, vertically along the left margin of the paper. Then write a sentence about the gift, the giver, or a sentiment, for each letter of the giver's name. The sentences have to make sense, and be complete. The note has to flow from beginning to end. The fun and challenging part is to think of a sentence that begins with a word that begins with the letter in the giver's name.
Here's an example:

A Thank You Note to Grandma

Grandma never forgets me at Christmas time.
Red yarn makes cute sweaters!
A red sweater knitted with love is the best kind to have.
Now I'll never be cold this winter.
Do you know I love you, Grandma?
Much of the time we are apart, but,
Always know I love you and love my new red sweater!

The first letters can be embellished as in old world script. You might even draw a picture of the present you received. Your thank you note will surely please the person who has given you a gift.