A rushing river polishes rocks and stones over the years. The river and the tide in the ocean, tosses little stones around in the sand and pebbles, eventually smoothing out the rough edges and sharp points. did you ever find a bright green rock on the beach only to have someone tell you that it's a piece of glass, probably from a broken soda bottle, that has been polished by the sand and the sea. Every year the students in Shelly Lyon's class polish rocks in a rock tumbler (kit made by NSI which includes the rocks, grit and polish). It's great fun to see the before and the after. The children also learn to be patient because it takes time to polish the rocks to the desired finish. The Rock Tumbler, by Natural Science Industries, Ltd., Model #635, includes electric rock tumbler, barrel, rough semi-precious stones, tumbling grit and polish, jewelry settings, glue and instructions.
Today our rocks are done. We had to change the grit three times. One time we had to put the grit that took the big points off the rocks. The second time we had to put in the grit to make the little points get off the rocks. The third time Ms. Lyon put the polishing grit in because we were on a weekend. It was fun for me when I got to take a rock home when they were done because I have a rock collection that I will put it in.