Lynn Handshy
Apple This is Lynn Handshy. Lynn teaches first grade at Tularcitos Elementary School in Carmel Valley, California. She will write monthly articles about the major activities and projects of her classroom. We will feature those projects here on Leslie's website.

"Trading Cards"

By Lynn Handshy

Late spring weather is heating up in time for Tee-Ball, Little League and Summer Soccer. As soon as the sports caps are donned the sports trading cards fill the front zipper pockets of children's backpacks and find their way into the classroom in spite of admonitions from teachers to keep them at home. Then of course there are the ubiquitous Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, and Magic cards. So, I thought, "if you can't fight 'um, join 'um!" On one condition that is; the children must create their own card.

Here's how we did it in 1st grade:

1. I took a picture of each child with a digital camera and printed multiple copies. I cut each 2 " X 3" to match the size of trading cards.

2. Children type their "stats" on the computer on a template slightly smaller than the picture 2" X 2 "

3. Print multiple copies, cut and glue "stats" onto the backside of the photo. Laminate them if you like. Each child will have a stack of his or her own cards. Let the trading begin.

*I plan to distribute the cards on the last day of school so children will have one of each of their classmate's cards to take home.

Have fun.
