This page of the Leslie Tryon website features art, photographs, drawings, paintings and writing from kids, teachers, librarians and adults from all over the country.
Look for Ashley's new book during the holidays, "Who Built the Stable". This year was a very special one for Ashley because the one-room schoolhouse on the island has been renamed The Ashley Bryon School! They like to have their pictures taken; that's Shrek on the right and Fiona on the left: That silly Shrek has some feathers stuck in his mouth; Spit, Shrek, Spit!
Every year, toward the end of August when the wild blueberries are EVERYWHERE, we visit our friend Ashley Bryan who lives on Little Cranberry Island off the coast of Maine. You probably remember seeing Ashley in the pictures from my trip to East Africa.
Here is Ashley sitting on the steps of his very own school!
We have made lots of friends on the island. But you might be interested to know that Albert has cousins that live on Little Cranberry Island. His cousins are called Sebastopol Geese and their names are: Shrek and Fiona. They follow each other everywhere.
Look how BLUE their eyes are. Blue with a bright orange ring.
We also watched a bush come alive with fluttery Painted Lady butterflies.
Their wings look like stained-glass windows, don't they?
And, what about all of those wild blueberries you ask?
Well! We bring a big box home with us and turn them
into delicious BLUEBERRY JAM of course!
Please click the highlighted link to view some highlights of Leslie's trip to Sendai, Japan.